The archaeoscape.ai lab at the French School of Asian Studies (EFEO) studies rainforest civilizations in Southeast Asia through a combination of traditional archaeology, remote sensing, and computer vision methods.
Established by Damian Evans and built on the successive GAP (1998), KALC (2012), CALI (2015), CHAMPA (2020) and archaeoscape.ai (2020) projects, our lab maintains one of the world's largest archaeological LiDAR datasets, with over 7,000 kmĀ² of high-density coverage across Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Indonesia.
Our research focuses on:
- Ancient settlement patterns
- Environmental legacy in tropical environments
- Sensor fusion for archaeological mapping
- Open datasets and machine learning tooling
2024-12-12 Spotlight poster at NeurIPS 2024
We are presenting our dataset paper "Archaeoscape: Bringing Aerial Laser Scanning Archaeology to the Deep Learning Era", Yohann Perron*, Vladyslav Sydorov*, Adam P. Wijker, Damian Evans, Christophe Pottier, Loic Landrieu at NeurIPS 2024 Datasets and Benchmarks Track as a spotlight poster.
[Archaeoscape dataset]
2024-09-16 Workshop: Archaeology & Machine Learning (WAML)
We are organizing a workshop on 16 September 2024 at EFEO Paris, aiming to bridge the gap between archaeology and machine learning by bringing together experts from both fields to explore collaborative opportunities and apply advanced computational methods to digital humanities.
[Learn more]
For inquiries, please contact us at: archaeoscape@efeo.net